My First WIDB Reunion

By John Dillon

big guy #28

I would love to tell you that networking is the reason that you should go to the WIDB Reunion this year, but the truth is that you should go because it is a lot of fun!

I decided to go to the WIDB 35th Anniversary Reunion in 2005 because of two reasons.
I was the newly elected General Manager and I really wanted a weekend off work.
I was excited, but also nervous to meet a group of people who were more experienced and accomplished than me. I was still a freshman at the time.

WIDB was incredibly important to me and I wanted to make sure to impress our alumni. When I arrived at Pinch Penny on Friday night and saw dozens of animated people wearing WIDB reunion credentials, l sensed a passion about WIDB among all of us that I thought only I felt.

Big Guy #8

We were all at the station on Saturday morning, where I heard some inspiring stories about the WIDB of the past. Stories about the riots, how WIDB sold $60,000 in one year, and conspiracies to get rid of GM’s were surprising. Later that day we played softball during the picnic at Giant City and basically enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was sunny and hot but there was shade and plenty of Ice-cold drinks, including beer kegs.

kandi #21

Everyone gathered for a large banquet dinner at Giant City. After dinner I had to give a speech about the station and what my plans were. I kept thinking to myself how this was my chance to impress everyone, but I did the opposite.
I gave the worst speech ever. I was so nervous,
but the majority of the alums continued to be very welcoming and kind to me.

What I am trying to say is that my experience at the WIDB Reunion was fantastic. I met so many fun people and I learned a lot about the station. I also learned a lot about the best way to attend this event. If you go to Lalapalooza, you have to have a plan. Same here.

vic #0

First, stay at Giant City. Almost all events are there, the cabins are great, and if you get organized and split a cabin it’s reasonable. Starting at noon, Saturday, it’s picnic, rest time, open bar, dinner, pool party, bonfires, sunrise, breakfast, all at Giant City. No driving—walk to everything!

cave #73

In 2005, I spent a lot of time driving back and forth from C’dale to Giant City. You may think it’s close but it takes almost an hour, round trip. If you go to the picnic, then come back to shower, go to the dinner, then drive someone back, come for the pool party, then go back to C’dale to sleep, then come for breakfast, that’s about four hours on the road in 24 hours. I will be spending these four hours in Giant City, this time. I’m getting a cabin. I’m psyched for a good time!

Second, reserve early—immediately! The cabins go fast. Everybody knows how cool the cabins are. You have to pay for at least one cabin (two nights) and one reunion fee to get a cabin. You may think it’s a lot to lay out this far in advance, but believe me, it’s worth it. No one else is allowed to stay in Giant City when we’re there, and we have exclusive use of the pool for the weekend.

Linton #17

Third, believe that you have something in common with everyone there—old and older—caring about WIDB and how it brings all kinds of people together.
All these people I met cared about what I had to say and what was happening at WIDB.

Vic #39

Many people might tell you that the reason to attend the reunion next year is to network with a large base of successful alums; I can’t say that I disagree,
but I wouldn’t bank on getting a job just by showing up. Everyone will agree that it helps to meet as many people as you can because you never know who will help you out.
At the reunion, the “meeting” is mixed in with the partying.

Believe it or not, even I am looking forward to partying with these old guys!
I missed a lot last time (driving back & forth so much) so I’m determined
to get my share this time!
It only happens once in five years, so use any excuse you can to make sure that you are at the 2020 WIDB Reunion.  Take it from me it is going to be a great time!

Zippy #47