“Crabby Pants” inspires Maria

Coming to SIU in the fall of 1977, I was fortunate to land a one time only morning drive shift on WSIU Radio in October.  Like many R/T students, I dreamed of the days of being on air.

WSIU-FM control room  1977

WSIU-FM control room 1977

Nervous as hell, I flipped on the mic for the obligatory top of the hour ID, and the few other times you were allowed to speak during the NPR show.  Then the phone rang.  OMG!  Who could it be?!   They didn’t tell me what to do when the phone rang.  So I answered timidly, ”WSIU Control?”  It was the chairman of the department, Dr. Charles Lynch, old crabby pants.  OMG!

Dr. Charles T Lynch (pants not shown)

Dr. Charles T Lynch (pants not shown)

“Maria”, he began, “It’s HALLoween, not HOLLoween, All Hallow’s Eve. I died of embarrassment and mumbled something in response.  “Maria, I’ve seen many aspiring announcers come and go, and I’ve got to tell you, behind the mic is not for you.  Contact a Patty Reilly, the sales manager at WIDB Radio.  I think that is where you need to be.”

I was devastated.  First of all for being SO bad that I was reprimanded while still on air, and secondly for having to let go of the on-air dream.  So I uncovered where they hid WIDB and begrudgingly trudged over to Wright 1, looking for this Patty Reilly gal.

What Maria found when she got to Wright I.  (Patty on left).

What Maria found when she got to Wright I. (Patty on left).

I don’t remember much about our first meeting, but I do remember thinking ‘Oh my!” when I first walked into the station.  What I didn’t know then is that WIDB would be the first step in a long and fulfilling Broadcast Sales Career.  And that Ms. Patty Reilly Murphy would end up being a lifelong cherished friend.

So in retrospect Dr. Lynch was right.  I NEEDED TO BE AT WIDB,  I am forever grateful for his sage advise, although to this day I wish he would have found a kinder way to tell me!

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