Vic Lentini and Ilene Cotton credit WIDB’s 1984 Cardboard Boat Regatta entry to John Bernstein

As we all know, SIU’s annual Cardboard Boat Regatta became a world-renowned event, but WIDB almost never participated. HOWEVER, in 1984, John Bernstein got a full head of steam (as only he could do) and motivated everyone. This was due in part to his quest to appear on David Letterman.

It was a fantastic group effort in the great WIDB tradition. The triumphant moment was the parading of the boat before the race:

The crack WIDB crew carry “S.S. WIDB” to race launch point
Lincoln Fuson gets ready for the big race.

Vic’s dog Bookie rode on the boat designed to look like a “pink Cadillac.” Vic and Ilene tell the story:

Vic and Ilene blame Bernstein for the great WIDB CBR effort.

This was WIDB’s only entry into the race for at least 30 years. No results from 1984 are available. You can ask Vic what happened.

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