Mark Slaga details: what REALLY went on at Gatsby’s

It started as “The South will Rise Again”, featuring Southern Rock and simulcast live from the strip bar known as Gatsby’s in the Spring of 1978, That quickly evolved into a rambunctious and outrageous music, entertainment and giveaway show and radio program that seemed to take on a life of its own when it morphed into a live remote every Friday night….

The penultimate moment at the weekly WIDB show at Gatsby’s April 19, 1980, starring Mark Slaga (left) and WIDB General Manager Al Linton (right), performing “Schticks of One and Half a Dozen of the Other.” Allan Sherman, Al on stage, and the crowd sang along.

At the epicenter of all the crazy intensity was Mark Slaga. In this promo, Slaga, the host of the show, is interviewed by Ed Knych about the “what goes on” at Gatsby’s, complete with sound bites.

Slaga was young, energetic and gave his all each and every week. It took almost until the next week to recover.

Winding down after performing, 2;30 am, Slaga is thinking about his choice of parties.

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