Elite Production Director Tom Sheldon

Tom (center) at 1990 Reunion, with Don Graf (left in photo) and Kathy Cave (right).

Among the greatest production directors ever at WIDB, Tom was a freshman in 1974 when, encouraged by then Production Director Gary Goldblatt, Tom made his first production: a promo for “Underground:”

Succeeding Gary as Production Director from 1974-76, Tom rose to the occasion when advertising on WIDB began in January, 1975. Spot production increased tenfold. During the first years of sales, many others at WIDB produced commercials, and a friendly competitive rivalry developed, but everyone knew Tom was unequaled. In fact, Luke Banks, one of those “other” producers when Tom was there, produced this tribute to Tom Sheldon:

After WIDB, Tom spent some time working at KGMO, Cape Girardeau, and many years working at WMYX, Mt. Vernon. No longer with us, Tom’s great production live on.

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